Advantages and disadvantages of exclusive breastfeeding pdf

Breastfeeding trusted health organizations like the world health organization who and the american academy of pediatrics aap recommend breast milk as the best way for newborns and infants to get nutrition. Exclusive breastfeeding is the process of feeding a newborn baby exclusively with breast milk and no other supplement. The advantages and disadvantages of breastfeeding are discussed below. Exclusive breastfeeding means no additional nutrition, such as solid foods, juice, or water. May 24, 2014 breastfeeding is an ideal way of feeding babies.

A nursing mother is also get benefited from breastfeeding. Even if you are able to do it for only a short time, your babys immune system can benefit from breast milk. Excellent for auto play while your class gathers or during breaks great for group discussion on benefits of breastfeeding use for lobby display or waiting room perfect for world breastfeeding week. Breastfeeding lowers your babys risk of having asthma or allergies. Advantages of breastfeeding breastfeeding in sheffield. Breastfeeding while baby starts solids gives you a smooth transition. Breastfeeding may reduce your risk of ovarian and breast cancer. Research shows that breastfeeding offers many health benefits for infants and mothers, as well as potential economic and environmental benefits for communities. Here are many other benefits of breast milk for a mother, her baby, and others. Advantages and disadvantages of breastfeeding ppt archives. Top 5 advantages and disadvantages of exclusive breastfeeding. A complex of nutritional, environmental, socioeconomic, psychological as well as genetic interactions establish a massive list of benefits of breastfeeding to the health outcomes of the breastfed infant and to the breastfeeding mother. A great disadvantage of exclusive breastfeeding is that only the new mother is capable of producing fresh milk for the child.

This, to a large extent, has been inspired by mounting scientific evidence on the importance of exclusive breastfeeding in reducing infant morbidity and mortality. The mother experiences a delay in the return of menstrual cycles. Here are several advantages and disadvantages of breastfeeding if youre having a hard time deciding if breastfeeding is for you. Benefits of breastfeeding for mother, advantages and. Breast milk is said to be a healthier and cheaper option over the milk formula available in the market today. Antibodies that are passed from you to your baby can help prevent ear infections, diarrhea, respiratory infections, and meningitis. The duration of exclusive breastfeeding as given by the who is 6 months after birth. Exclusive breastfeeding for at least 34 months is linked with a 2742% reduced risk of asthma, atopic dermatitis and eczema 18, 24. Along with creating a close bonding between the mother and the baby, breastfeeding helps strengthen the immune system of the baby. At that time, preterm infants admitted to neonatal units could be ethically allocated at random to receive banked breastmilk or formula. There are some disadvantages of breastfeeding, which are mentioned in the following. Breastfeeding has several advantages for mother and child. Plus, babies who are breastfed exclusively for the first 6 months, without.

When the child begins to suck at the mothers breast or mouth her nipple, the release of certain feelgood hormones in the womans body is triggered. Advantages of breastfeeding breastfeeding helps bonding and development helps delay a new pregnancy protects. Breastfeeding mothers also have the option to pump, which is another way to give others an opportunity to bond with the new baby and a welldeserved break for the mother. There might be some disadvantages associated with this activity however the advantages certainly outweigh all the negatives or drawbacks. Breastfeeding vs bottlefeeding american pregnancy association. Aug 20, 2018 the aap recommend exclusive breastfeeding for the first 6 months of a babys life.

Breastfeeding rates have a powerful impact on the whole society by affecting the health of mothers and babies, the economy, and the environment. Infants must thereafter receive complementary baby food along with breast milk for up to 2 years of age. Advantages and disadvantages of breastfeeding verywell family. Lists 40 advantages of breastfeeding to babies, mothers and families with pictures of ethnically diverse breastfeeding mothers. Impact of advantages and disadvantages on breastfeeding attitude 537 table 1.

Your business will be successful in distribution only if the exclusive distributor is trustworthy. The transition from exclusive bottlefeeding to table foods is a vulnerable period. But you and your baby are unique, and the decision. Mar 07, 2020 exclusive breast milk provides all of the nutrients vitamins and minerals an infants needs for growth for the first six months. Benefits for society breastfeeding offers society not only improved health of children and mothers but also economic and environmental benefits. In a case where the mother has demised or suffered from a contagious disease, the baby needs to be fed on formula food only. Yet, it is the time when malnutrition starts in many children. Pdf this chapter presents the state of the evidence concerning the advantages and disadvantages of breastfeeding for mothers. Advantages of breastfeeding breastfeeding can lower illness in babies, such as ear infections, allergies, respiratory issues, colds and viruses, diabetes, insulin dependent diabetes, a number of childhood cancers and ovarian cancer and breast cancer. Among its other known health benefits are some protection against common childhood infections and better survival during a babys first year, including a lower risk of sudden infant death. Leaf through this article to know breastfeeding advantages and disadvantages, for both the mother and the baby. No time is required or wasted for long and tiring preparation and sterilization of feeding bottles.

Why breastfeeding is important after completing this session participants will be able to. Its important to introduce new foods at an early age, especially different fruits and vegetables. Breastfeeding helps to lose weight of a mother after pregnancy. Breastfeeding reduces the risk of breast cancer in a mother. Advantages and disadvantages of exclusive breastfeeding. Breastfeeding reduces the risk of uterine and ovarian cancer.

Advantages of breastfeeding breastfeeding can lower illness in babies, such as ear infections, allergies, respiratory issues, colds and viruses, diabetes, insulin dependent diabetes, a number of childhood cancers. How can breastfeeding help both the mother and the baby top. The benefits of breastfeeding for both mother and baby webmd. Followup of these subjects in adolescence has provided experimental evidence on the longterm effects of breastfeeding 35. Exclusive breastfeeding for the first 6 months postpartum, in the absence of menses, is 98 percent effective in preventing pregnancy. Dec 20, 2017 disadvantages of exclusive distribution. Baby wont go from allmilk meals straight to all baby cereal and mush the gradual switch will last from age 4 to 6 months. Breastfeeding offers advantages for both mothers and their babies. Breastfeeding children tend to eat more than those drinking formula milk, so breastfeeding sessions are even more frequent than bottlefeeding ones. Breastfeeding is one of the greatest gifts a mother can impart to her precious little one. An exclusively breastfed newborn baby has a lower risk of. Breastfeeding reduces the need for costly health services that must be paid for by insurers, government agencies, or families.

Benefits of breastfeeding objectives at the conclusion of this session, participants will be able to. Women who breastfeed tend to recover from childbirth faster than women who choose not to nurse their babies. Breastfeeding can be perceived to be painful, messy and tiring. It may also decrease your chances of developing rheumatoid arthritis, diabetes, hypertension, and cardiovascular disease as you age. Benefits of breastfeeding in beyond just physical benefits. The following advantages are applicable for mothers. Advantages and disadvantages of expressing and heattreating breast milk 20. As the centers for disease control and prevention cdc puts it, breastfeeding is an investment in health, not just a lifestyle decision. The benefits of breastfeeding begin from the first moments after childbirth and last for many years after breastfeeding ends. Breastfeeding also helps keep your child healthier, which can lower medical costs and reduce the amount of work you miss to care for a sick baby.

This also provides lots of advantages necessary for the growth and development of babies. Pdf importance of exclusive breastfeeding and complementary. Jul 08, 2019 however, the advantages of nursing are not limited to the child only. If you exclusively nurse your baby, you will not need to buy formula, bottles, and supplies.

Milk coming from mothers contains almost all the essential nutrients that babies need. Mean rated importance of the statements including standard deviations on a scale from 1 to 7 were added originating from the pretest. Appraise the advantages of exclusive breastfeeding. And breastfeeding for a year at least with other foods which should be started at 6 months of age, such as vegetables, grains, fruits, proteins. Pdf the advantages and disadvantages of breastfeeding. Describe the benefits of breastfeeding in a hospital setting. Food and rural economics division, economic research service, u. Advantages of breastfeeding outweigh its disadvantages. Advantages and disadvantages of commercial infant formula 17 advantages and disadvantages of exclusive breastfeeding 18 advantages and disadvantages of expressing and heattreating breast milk 20 advantages and disadvantages of wetnursing 21 advantages and disadvantages of homemodi.

Inability to measure the volume of milk the baby has consumed. Benefits of breastfeeding there are many benefits to breastfeeding. A functional assessment of the impact of advantages and. Item m sd advantages a breastfeeding is cheaper than formula feeding 4. If you breastfeed exclusively without supplementing, your child is under six months old, and your period has. Importance of exclusive breastfeeding and complementary feeding. The benefits of breastfeeding for both mother and baby. This article is intended to help parents feel comfortable in making an educated decision about feeding their child based on scientific information. Benefits of breastfeeding the endowment for human development.

Breastfeeding reduces the risk of developing breast and ovarian cancer in the mother. We take a look at the various ways in which it is beneficial. Trust as can be seen in the advantages above, we mentioned the word trust several times. First be sure to check with your childs pediatrician before weaning off. Advantages of breastfeeding to society breastfeeding is more than a personal or family matter, and the decision to breastfeed affects more than an individual motherbaby pair or a single family. Breastfeeding advantages extend beyond the properties of human milk itself.

List and explain at least three benefits of breastfeeding for each of the following. Breastfeeding is an activity that requires lots of energy. This is particularly true of exclusive breastfeeding, meaning that the infant receives only breast milk it may reduce your babys risk. Pdf the advantages and disadvantages of breastfeeding for. Breast milk is always ready and available at correct temperature. Breastfeeding also helps keep your child healthier, which can lower medical costs and reduce the. Breastfeeding is one parenting experience that is exclusive to mothers alone. Exclusive breastfeeding can help the mother from becoming pregnant again until she chooses to settle on weaning. Compared with formulafed children, those who are breastfed are healthier and have fewer symptoms and shorter illnesses when they do get sick. Find, read and cite all the research you need on researchgate. Breastfeeding contributes to feelings of attachment between a mother and her child. Sep 26, 20 here are several advantages and disadvantages of breastfeeding if youre having a hard time deciding if breastfeeding is for you.

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